At GNU we are from the past and have seen the future. Who we are is what we create. @gnusnowboards we’ve never been able to stop at “good”. Committed to our team - snowboarding’s unusual savants, zany artists, tinkering til perfection, and pushing progression beyond industry standard, we are Unreal. Weird, innovative, creatives, obsessed with snowboarding, the mysterious materials, advanced geometries, and pioneering radical contours and shapes in search of more fun.
Since the beginning Gnu Snowboards have been handbuilt in the USA by Snowboarders with jobs at the World's most environMENTAL board factory! Brought to life with ZERO HAZARDOUS waste right here in Sequim, Washington, at Mervin Manufacturing, every unreal snowboard has ECOconscience. If you don't believe us, drive out there... The address is 35 Banana Way, and ask for Pos, or check out